Viestejä Twitteristä Libyan tilanteesta.
Liikkeelä video, jossa vallankumoukselliset hirttävät Gaddafin sotilaita. Harvinaista, tuomittavaa ja libyan asialle vahingollista. Mutta anteeksiannettavaa; ehkä he tai heidän perheensä ovat juuri kärsineet näiden sotilaiden toimesta. Järjestäytyneet vallankumoukselliset sanoutuvat irti tällaisista teoista.
Hopefully we'll never see a similar video again, a video of revolutionaries hanging thugs. But they saw them as traitors, they couldn't help
The hangings are never excusable but are understandable. Nothing compared to G and his thugs though
there is no war in history where one side was completely perfect. War is hell
Tripolitanian Libyan Finally! The revolutionaries are digging trenches!
Halwasa Guy Norway is responsible for 12% of airstrikes,130 bombs" Seems like Norway might recognize NTC and arm revolutionaries, too
Tripolitanian Libyan A lot of my tweets are based on opinion and speculation - but I hope this is some reconciliation to those tweeters who wanted my view on it
ANALYSIS: Maybe some people think I'm crazy when I say that Gaddfi's troops are very close of total collapse in (cont)
Eyewitness reports fr Yefren today:surrounded by Gaddafi forces, supplies very low,but holding out (just) This is From Storify!
New video from #Tripoli shows revolutionary flag being hung from an overpass in Soug El Jumaa today
Saif is talking like Hitler on his last days.... and then Hitler killed himself...
Saif crosses are going to be coming from the Freedom Fighters sniper rifles.
Eyewitness reports fr Yefren today:surrounded by Gaddafi forces, supplies very low,but holding out (just) This is From Storify!
New video from #Tripoli shows revolutionary flag being hung from an overpass in Soug El Jumaa today
Saif is talking like Hitler on his last days.... and then Hitler killed himself...
Saif crosses are going to be coming from the Freedom Fighters sniper rifles. Päivän tapahtumat näet tästä Blogista.
Twitterissä useita tietoja: Misurata, on kaapattu useita gaddafin ajoneuvoja ja tuhottu lukuisia palkkasotureita. Kuulostaa onnistuneilta kaappauksilta, mutta ehkä jotkin näistä tiedoista ovat päällekkäisiä.
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