erittäin hieno linkkiluettelo.
Libyalainen ruoka on samanlaista kaupungeissa ja maaseudulla, viljelijöiden ja paimentolaisten keskuudessa. Pääruoka on melkein aina yhdessä astiassa tehty ruokalaji. Kansallisruoka kuskus, maustetaan paprikalla, tomaateilla, kikherneillä ja kauden vihanneksilla. Libyan kulttuuri muistuttaa muiden Maghreb-valtioiden kulttuuria.
Ramadan suomalaisin silmin, blogikirjoitus. Hmmmm.. Täällä Wikipedia tyylistä tietoa Libyasta.
Yleistä tietoa Libyasta ja Tripolista matkailijan kannalta. Libya restaurant tips by Sachara Lainaus artikkelista:
In Tripoli, it is surprisingly hard to find a traditional Libyan restaurant. Most serve western-style cuisine, with a few Moroccan and Lebanese restaurants thrown in. This is a shame, because there are some wonderful Libyan dishes you should taste in case you are fortunate enough to be invited to a Libyan dinner party or wedding (be prepared to be overfed!). A favourite cafe for the local expatriate community is the fish restaurant in the souq. For the equivalent of a few US dollars, you can enjoy a great seafood couscous. A local speciality is the stuffed calamari.
Also recommend Al-Saraya: Food OK, but its attraction is its position, right in Green Square. Another good seafood restaurant is Al-Morgan, next to the Algiers Mosque, near 1st of September Street. Don't miss Al-Sakhra restaurant, located on Gargaresh Road; excellent food, live entertainment, and a rustic atmosphere. The flashy looking big fast-food outlets are a relatively recent arrival in Tripoli. These are not quite the multinationals but a close copy of them! They are springing up in the Gargaresh Road area -- a big shopping area in the western suburbs of Tripoli. Lainaus artikkelista:
Libyan cuisine is a mixture of Arabic and Mediterranean, with a strong Italian influence. There is an abundance of dates, oranges, apricots, figs and olives. Hotel restaurants offer international cuisine. Seafood in Tripoli is particularly good. Most restaurants have table service, and although food is traditionally eaten with the right hand only, knives and forks will generally be available. Most restaurant meals are consist of soup, salad, a selection of meat or fish dishes, vegetables and tea or coffee. There are very few restaurants outside the towns.
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